Here is Christ and Saint Luke's Episcopal Church in Norfolk, Virginia. They have some windows that need 'light' restoration work. I say 'light' because they do not need to be rebuilt nor taken back to the studio. All the work can be done onsite. The windows are beginning to buckle and if something is not done soon will buckle to the point where they need major restoration work. Right now we can add some additional barring and stop the buckling. Pretty straight forward. We worked on the two top windows you can see on the side of the chapel.
Scaffolding, about 40 feet high.
Close up of the panel reinstalled with the additional bars. These windows have an interesting history. They were all built by a studio in Europe before the start of WWI. As the windows were in transit the war broke out. The windows got as far as England where they had to stay in storage for the duration of the war.
Here is my portable studio set up in a small nook underneath the window.
My grinning mug happily working away. Took about 4 full days to do 2 windows.